Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shopping in E-dae!

Eh...haha in case you miss my irritating selca face! Abv and below are some! Haha =D

K la! I want to take a picture of the clip I bought. haha.

The 'hak-gyo' style clip I bought in E-dae KRW 1500. Checkered and back-to-school are cytokines to me =)

Fellow Singaporeans (Martin & his Taiwanese wife)! YEA!! I LOVE SINGAPORE SA-RAM!

The shoe is comfy. There are prints & transparent sequins...But abit ex...I think I shop on impulse. hahaha =D

Zebra tee and accessory for KRW 5000! I can match it w my skirt now. haha so they won't know if I keep wearing the same bottom. Hey..I only bought 4 skirts w me!! =(

Mickey golden edition. wahaha. Not bad for layering and can wear w jeans or leggings. I must save money to buy another pair of Everlast and a cap!!
Come on! I need a way to vent my fustration! haha and I have not shopped for sooo long!! But...once I start...I can't stop... =(
E-dae is a sinful place!! ARGH!! Haha but I'm happy! =D I bought tees and a pair of shoes. Yipee! Each tee is only KRW 5000!! But the shoe is ex- KRW 28,000. I also duno why I bought it...coz its special? haha... =D
Oh! Did I mention that ajumonee is no longer cooking for me. Its tiring for her and everyday she has to wait for me to eat brekky and dinner. She is very busy.
So! My rental is now 300,000KRW/mth instead of KRW400,000 =)
I guess this is the time my KAYA comes to save my pocket. haha.
Brekky- Bread
Lunch- In school canteen
Dinner- Maybe a gimbap that cost less than 2000KRW. Usually they cost 1000.
Hm...or maybe I should buy 1L of milk and eat cornflakes.... haha no more bap =(


  1. wa so nice tops esp the mickey mouse tempting to go shop in Korea...ahhh i miss korea and I miss u =( now i can only shop on gmart hehe and yeah you should do more retail therapy if it makes u happy...ignore the bangala...^^

  2. we likes to see your face and your evil eyebrow! hahahahhahahaha

  3. I FINALLY FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST COMMENT! SO HAPPY! hahahah, if not everytime read ur blog like some silently reading maniac. hahahah, so nice leh e zebra shirt n necklace. NO MORE BAP TO EAT THEN STILL CAN BUY CLOTHES AR? so powerful. maybe next time if hungry u can shred the clothes n eat it as rags hahahah! scare e ajumoni. ahhahah! have u received the YUMMY biscuits?? DONT GIVE TOO MANY TO THE IRRITATING LAB PPL HOR!! i choose one leh!!

  4. Haha I WONT GIVE THEM! Haha yes! I am going to save on dinner and eat ALOT during lunch. Or know more oppas so they can treat me. wahaha. Oh yes! all the clothes are so nice you know!! I wana buy the WHOLE E-DAE!

  5. hahaha i am not the only one who comment ur eyebrow are evil AHAHHAHA :p
