Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pictures From Welcome Party

Friday meeting lasted for 4 hours! Afterwhich, we proceeded to Naksongdae for BBQ pork dinner and drinking session. Fun time chatting and eating. haha I wish they had macoli instead of beer. My senior translated my Chinese name into korea and its so weird! Chae Pae Al!! WTH! haha think I'll just stick w Pei Yae or Alice. ^^
It rained cats & dogs when we were leaving for home at around 11+pm. O.o I'm so tired & cold!! My poor Everlast sneakers were soiled. I need to buy another pair seriously. =(

Me, smart retired prof and Hee Geum (PhD student). He said: ''Oh! So you are from Spore! Den I have very HIGH EXPECTATION of you. You must generate good results. Sporeans are aggressive and str-forward right?'' O.O Mama!! How do I ans him?! Haha my stress response pw is activated and no wonder I have a pimple right smack in the middle of my chin!! Inflammation!!
My prof and collaborating prof from another uni.

Lab mates! See! We were all so tired o.O

Cass Beer which Lee Min Ho endorsed. I think it tasted better than Chang or Tiger. Alright, I just love ethanol in any forms. =D

Me and Hye Rim onee. A nice and gentle sister =)

Xian cai. 2nd yr MSc student. So happy I can chat in CHINESE!

The self-proclaimed 'Lee Dong Gun'. He is my senior by 1 semester & can speak fluent USA accent eng. haha so he acts as the translator.

Nyeng-myeon! I finally taste it! Yummy! The noodles are so Q!

Lijia, me and Inas (PhD student from Jordan).

See the entire 3 rows of tables behind us? All of them are also from Prof Surh's lab. So many ppl huh =X

We had BBQ pork and beef (galbi). Haha in Korea, whn the boss treats pls order as much as possible. haha no wonder my seniors ordered so much ^^

Selca while waiting for others. Pil-Soon onee is graduating w MSc this winter. So sad she'll leave the lab soon. She is v nice too...

Lijia is 1yr attachment student in SNU. She will return to China in 2010 Mar. Another friend leaves. We will sneak out for ice cream or coffee and she'll usually treat me. haha v nice ^^
Oh! See the bangla in the backgrd! TTS HIM!! =X

1 comment:

  1. you nv take pic with bangala!!!!! hahahaha

    your alice reminds me of alision...which reminds me of elephant.. ROFL =x

    aye the noodles look nice and the pple look kinda fun. ^^
