Friday, September 11, 2009

School Life continues

Bored to tears, hence this blog. Well, from Wed - Fri today, nothing much interesting. Hm...did I go out? I don't think so coz no pictures. Oh nono! I went to Omokgyo to collect my alien card!haha I'm having some sort of amnesia and I don't have a calendar! =(

Oh! I attended the Topics in Cellpathophysiology module taught in Korean. Hm...if you asked me do I understand, I cannot say totally no. I developed a listening skill. haha I know what they are talking about but I cannot express myself that well =)

So yup. I vaguely understand the lecturer. Actually what she taught was all from the English text book- Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish. She just translated to Korean to allow the Korean students to comprehend. When she know that I'm a foreigner, she spoke in Korean to the class what I decipher to be as 'She must enjoy listening to korean.' haha yes. I can understand but normally I'll just say I cannot speak korean- which is true. =D

Yea tonight my boss is treating the whole lab to dinner. Welcome party for newcomers ^^ I bought my cammy along so I'll upload the pics tonight provided I don't get wasted. Haha jk! I know where my limit is when it comes to alcohol. I wana drink macoli! So nice! Rice wine.

I am begining to like my lab. All my onees are nice ppl. But you will have to put in the effort initally to make friends. I try my best to speak to them in Korean and I try to understand what they are talking abt. Haha acquired hearing skill. =D

Ok, 15 mins I have to attend lab meeting. 5 person presenting ppt. So long =( Think will end at 6pm. Oh! Did I mention that I played my FIRST bball game in SNU? haha Joyce came to SNU to jog but I wana play bball. So we asked the ppl if I can join them. So yea, I played with those koreans. They r so pro!! I felt like I'm dragging the team. WAHAHA BUT I HECK CARE. I just wana play. So fun! Hopefully tml I can get to play agn! =D Otherwise, I'll just jog, Its nice to feel the cool wind blowing and most impt, feel healthy! Haha ever since Mt Kinabalu, I never exercised. Lol.

Ever since Mt KK, I developed this interest in climbing mountains. The tougher the trail, the better. My dream after I graduate is to scale Himalayas. 5000m. The lowest peak. But its ex. I went to check out the package. Its almost 10days and cost 2k+. haha I like the feeling of pushing oneself to the limit. Abit sick but if you understand what I mean, you'll feel the same way.

This Sunday there is an International Student Luncheon in SNU. FOC buffet! OF COZ I REGISTERED! haha even though alone, but go there hopefully can make new friends ^^ Ok, I want the free meal alright. haha.

More pics SOON! Geuldari sae yo! =D

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