Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Official Start of Lab

Monday. Start of lab. Nothing to do.

I met up with my professor. He is a nice guy. Quite shy but helpful. Graduate students have stipend of KRW 600,000 (ard SGD 800+)/mth under the duno what BK Korea Brain program. This sum is enough if you are korean and living w family and you don't shop. But surely not enough for me!! But at least there is some money to help tide over 1st sem. haha I want to spend as little of my own money as possible.

I registered for 3 modules this sem: Mol endocrinology, mol pharmacology and seminar. All in English. But this is only 7 credits total. Next sem I have to take 11 credits ard 4 modules =(

2 stupid modules are mandatory: Antibiotic and Biochemical Pharmacology argh!! Pharmacokintics!!! Maybe you shld just kill me. Both are in Korean if I'm right. Anw, I'm not so worried abt the korean part coz I can read text and journals and the notes are in Eng. Haha I'm worried abt the kinetics part =(

This lab is quite relax. You can slp in office ( of coz just rest ur head on the table duh), go to have a cup of coffee etc. And you can go home anytime you finish your experiments. haha so I must make sure my mentor is someone nice ^o^ I realise that actually my sunbaes are not bad. Given time, they treat me quite nice. Sunbae even treat me to lunch and coffee hoho... Morning lunch dinner I don;t have to pay. Morning and dinner I eat at home coz homestay =D

I go to school by shuttle bus so its free too! =D I'm so happy! Soon, I will have money to buy some clothes and maybe a leather boots! I WAN A LEATHER BOOT tt screams COOL!!

I'm starting to like my stay in Korea. Homestay ajumonee alwys talk to me and teaches me Korean and my sunbaes are quite nice too! Hm...Hopefully everything goes well and fall into a perfect picture =D

I meet up with my korean friends on Monday for dinner. Fun session. We talked and discuss abt weird korean cultures and Konglish! Try asking a korean to say 'SOCCER' and 'PARKING'.

So funny (well haha act its kinda crude)

Konglish...Jae mi is so!! ^^

Picture with deron and janus in next post.