Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saturday COEX movie

Saturday I went back to lab from 9.30am - 12.30pm. I did practically NOTHING. haha just wait for time to go home. I think I shall suggest to my supervisor if I have no expts running, can I stay at home to STUDY. Haha I don't like to do things for no reason & its wasting time. Anyway, I ate 3 bread for lunch ( 3 for 1000W) and meet Joyce and Jin Guang to go COEX for movie! =D
We watched UGLY TRUTH and did I mention tt we sat separately? Haha because most of the movie-goers are couples & only individual seats are left. The movie is funny but full of Fs and sexual language. Haha =D
I bought a Jodi Picoult story book! Yipee! For KRW 11,900 =D Cheaper den Sg by ABIT.
Eh...Ok...It seems like I'm spending alot? Well, movie & dinner is treated. I paid for Dunkin Donuts & popcorn. =D

The dried nyengmyoen is so spicy! It made my mouth swollen n red! The ajumma still told me its just ABIT spicy?!

Look how red this is!!

Look at the devil in diguise! Sashimi nyengmyeon.
The 2nd movie. I became a member of MEGABOX =D

The raw fish is yucky. Not nice. No meat.

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