Monday, September 28, 2009

E-dae Shopping

Sunday was E-dae shopping with Zhong wei, Vincent and Joyce. ZW is xiao pang's NUS korean class friend. Haha so we had a Singaporean outing and I love Singlish!!

E-dae is alwys a heaven for me. There are so many things I NEED to buy frm there. I like the guy's vests and blazers!! Totally cool and quirky! I think I will change my style to more male-inspired dressing. wahahaha. I want to buy the vests!!!

Take a look at:

I LOVE ENGLISH DRESSING!! I must go to London for my next graduate trip. =D
In Korea, you cannot deviate from the norm dressing if not ppl will stare and some commented in Korean, thinking I don't understand. haha but I don't care.

Be it novel, be it weird. It is me. =D

Winter is coming!! I have thoughts of wearing those Finlandish kind of style. haha but I need vest and scarves! Oh and I saw really cute boots from Everlast!! So ex though. 100+SGD. N I'm going to buy more colored leggings!!

On the other hand, the black and white is back. Chanel inspired. I like the idea of basics w a smart black blazer but....I still prefer colors. :)

Dinner was BBQ pork once again and Joyce treated us to dessert ' RED MANGO'. Guilt-free yoghurt ice cream? haha =D ( I really need this advertising to delude myself)

Yea! Friday is Korea's Thanksgiving day. Holiday and I'm going to Namiseom Island (Winter Sonanta filming site) with ZW and Vincent. I'll take as much pics as Cammy can hold =D

Geuldari sae yo!! I WILL BE BACK!

Ah pek style flats for KRW 18,000
I wanted to buy a navy strip top for so long! Versatile. KRW 8,000. Material is good =D

Guilt-free yoghurt ice-cream. Do you beliff whn they say its FAT free?

So many T-junctions for humans. Confusion whenever the green man appears.

Grain gong-gi bap. I like beans~

Fish, meat, veges. We can't be anymore healthier.

Care for some fortune telling? These are mobile tellers dotted all over Seoul. You will see high schools students and young girls patronising. So unconfident of themselves and their future?
ATTENTION: Below are some selca pics took in one of the store in E-dae while waiting for the guys to finish their shopping. Scroll if only you're interested in my irritating face otherwise, x the window away. Wahaha =D

Pink and blue geek specs. Cute~~

I found my flame- Ho Ddok and fell in love with the cinnamon scent immediately. Sarang hae yo! ^o^ Imagine my expression savoring it =^o^= mashi so yo!!!!

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