Monday, September 21, 2009

The Naked Truth


Went back to lab. Clean the lab and went to play bball with 2 of my lab mates! Haha obviously I lost to them & had to treat em' drinks. But it was fun! I suggested playing every Sat. haha so as not to waste my bus ride to SNU. Home alone in the noon so I watched FATED TO LOVE YOU (alright, I know I am laggin). =D I watched till 2am lol. So nice!! So funny!! hahaha!! And it hanged so I guess its time to slp.

For lunch, Joyce brought me ard our neighbourhood. There are so many food stalls! We settled on sundae combination dish. I had a very bad experience during my Apr Korea trip. I ate sundae in Daehangro.

OMG! I can feel the PIG snorting inside me! =S

Totally disgusted. Btw, sundae is NOT ice cream. It is pig insides stuffed with vermicilli and rice. Ha Ji Man!!! The sundae Joyce brought me to eat was nice! It was not marinated so the piggy smell lingers but it was nt as bad as the first time. Haha I ate it with salt and samjang. Now I wana try Jeon- seafood jeon is my fav! and the fermented bean soup rcc by CC.

I am having fried chicken cravings.... =>.<=

I got study ok! Haha coz I got mol endo quiz on Mon.

End of Sat------------------------------------------------------------------------


I went to Jimjilbang =D Haha so happy! Is a fun place where they have EVERYTHING- DVD room, movie room, computer area, canteen, common TV rooms, snooker/billard room- All no separate charge! And you can stay inside there for 24hrs! Inside the female only area, you can go for a srub, a dip in the heated jacuzzis filled with medicinal herbs or sauna. The jacuzzis are relaxing. THey have at least 3 different kinds with different temperature. I could not take pictures otherwise, my blog would be pornographic. And the korea ajummas will clobber me to death. So, I shall narrate what I did ^^

I went for a whole body scrub (including the hair) for 20,000W. Oh my! If you look at the dirt scrubbed from your body, you will not believe it! Haha to think that I still scrub myself religiously back in Spore. Do I feel uncomfortable or awkward? Hm...initially yes. But the more you look shy, the more they will notice you. So, pls look LOCAL. haha give the bo chap face.
Anw, there's nothing to be shy cause we all have estrogen. Unless you are a transvestite pending operation.

Oh yes! Back to my super relaxing srub. Total time taken is ard 45min (ends 9pm). Haha I feel as though the auntie is marinating a pork (hm, nt tt I compared myself to one but yea, its the feeling) haha. N I almost fell asleep. >.<

You can really feel the difference! Haha smoother skin. They have shower cubicles (no doors, not even a shield) haha OPEN AIR. So after showering, they will provide moisturizer, hair lotion etc. Oh! My skin feels Purrr-Pact now!! (fyi, its perfect for those who don't get the joke)

Den you can change into the given tee and shorts for the common sauna (F&M). The saunas are totally cool! You can slp, eat, read inside. The ajummas and ajussi can slp and read books inside a 58 celcius sauna. Their sauna is unlike Spore. Sml and boring. They have purple crystals and jade-like pebbles stuck onto the wall- the WHOLE wall so that your back gets the equal treatment too! =D So cool! So, pls don't buy those so-called 'lucky crystals' from Chinatown that are said to improve health and whatever shit. The crystals MIGHT have an effect if you use it the right way, not by putting it at home and PRAYING to it. =) Anw, I am not a believer of such.

Okok back to my saunas. They have 3 saunas- 58, 78 and 7 celcius. The koreans told me the secret to flawless skin is....................... 58 --> 7. Do it for as many times as possible. haha =D Good for the pores perharps? But! Their skin are really flawless ^__^ I tried the 78 celcius. Poor cammy could have get a heat shock but she is dng fine. Same as me. we r equally hardy =D I think I will bring sweet potato and egg to eat inside the 78 celcius sauna. haha they might taste better.

After I had enough of alternating btw the diff saunas ( became ABIT better? haha nah, effect doesn't come so fast! Come on, even drugs are dose and time dependent.

I went back to the females only jacuzzi. They call it the- yak dang. And I bath agn! Haha must fully make use of the facilties. You can bath as many times you want inside. You can even purchase or bring your own hair mask, face mask or you wana mask your whole body also can if you're so shy. haha I regret not buying a hair mask. At the end of it, Joyce's friend treated me to eggs and the sweet traditional korean rice drink.

I reached home at 12am and have a test on Monday =S

Pi gon hae yo! But I'm so going jimjilbang again! This time with Joyce I hope! We can laze the whole Sat there!!

PS: Did I mention they have a weighing machine and I am now.............Ok! I don't dare to step on it else I scare myself to death and become anorexic =(

The 78 celcius sauna. See the hot air >.<

The common resting area.

The DVD bang. Such huge massage chair.


7 degree freezer.haha not very cold actually.

In contrary to the displayed wallpaper, no ang moh were to be seen and its not as atas. haha. True korean style. No high end spa gimmicks.

Prelude to jimjilbang. Fill our tummy with pochangmacha food =D

1 comment:

  1. 78dC to 7dC is to secret to flawless skin, but a strain on the heart! scary..what if my blood vessels become smaller?.hahaaa

