Monday, August 31, 2009

Hangang Park with Joyce

I am back with more pictures! Haha been quite awhile since I updated. Hm... quite bz with going out...haha NOT lab. LOL. I think I am having jet lag. I always refer back to Spore time when in Korea. Anw, for my last day of enjoyment I went to Hangang Park for picnic with Joyce and her Chinese-Korean friend. Quite interesting as I am able to speak Chinese again! Woohoo! He is amused by our Spore chinese. haha just like how I'm with the Konglish.

The weather is cool and its relly nice to relax and chat while watching dusk sets. We head bbq pork for dinner. haha as usual the guy will treat. =D But I also bought yoghurt for them =) haha it was a fun day =D

I'll upload the pics tml. Gota head for bed. Tml is the official start of school! I am so excited!! =D

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