Thursday, August 27, 2009

Touring Seoul with Papa

I have been missing these days because I've been so busy with school administration, visitng the lab, settling alien registration etc. A-STAR is the best. SNU labs are kinda old and have to climb stairs! Imagine climbing to L1 to do cell culture and climb back to L4 to do your experiments. I finally experience the hierarchical system in Korea. I got a shock when I was told to clear the waste bins, sweep and mop the floor, wash reagent bottles and stripette when they are left in the basin. Yes, its those stripette we use for cell culture, they re use it. haha dam thrifty. Wash and oven dry them. I was so apalled and sad on the first day to lab. But well...they told me all freshman have to undergo this and there is a rotation table for all freshman. After 1 year, I will be free! haha den I will be the EVIL SUNBAE!! Secondly, they greet and bow to seniors, oppa, onee, sunbae nim~~ Argh! I can't find my tongue for this. So, I jsut bow and greet them anyonghaesaeyo. haha I must upkeep my Singapore culture. =)
I have registered for my modules= Endocrinology, Pharmaceutical science, seminar in pharmacy and pharmacology. I think I will drop Pharmaco to next sem. Too heavy~ I will die w 3 major subjects. One of it is in Korean.duh. Aja fighting! I NEED MY STIPEND IF NOT I WILL STARVE!!

My dad accompanied me for 4 days helping me to settle down. We travelled ard and ate many good food! haha feel like a tourist once again! =D I shall post my pictures in the next blog. Papa doesnt like Seoul. Too many people and too expensive. For 2 days, we put up at Hoam Faculty hse in SNU (my prof is so nice, he paid for the room =) The subsequent 2 days was spend in a 'hotel' in Cheongnyrani. Red-light district. haha all rooms for other hotels were fully booked only left those atas and ex ones. The hotel is located strategically near eateries and subway. haha but the back alley hm...dun wander there...nothing much to see if you are wondering. Just lingerie-clad women who are korean. haha. The room is weirdly designed such that the wash basin is just beside my bed! Anyway, I 'took' pillow from the hotel. haha I'm finding all means to spend less!

We sure like the BBQ near the area! Haha I think Seoul is more for ppl who enjoys shopping and city life. Argh! I cannot shop! How sad is this? Now whenever I walked past those eateries, I must control NOT to buy coz I am left with onli SGD3000+ for 6 freaking mths! haha I duno how I will survive. I think I will try donating blood for free movie tickets, calling OPPA, BAP JU SAE YOoooooo~ WAHAHA! I totally tarnish the image of RPS...haha pls don't kick me out. This is just TEMPORARY! I will return with many ton in future! '

My room now has a homely feel! A bed, a desk and I stick all my photos on the wall! haha I hope autumn comes faster! Its so warm now! dap dap hae! I am going to climb Gwanak mountain with my landlady this sunday! Yipee! =D Oh! She cooks well and gave me alot of rice to eat. haha maybe I have this hungry look all the time =X

I will start lab this Monday and Fall term starts Tues. Pls pardon me if I'm unable to update often. Nothing bad as happen to me, fret no. Just busy mugging!!! Haha I am a science geek who dress like a art freak! =D



  2. haha ok la! I woke up so early today. 6am sg time! the sky here so bright like 9-10am!!

  3. oooo i wanan do shopping in seoul! :) eat and shop eat and shop. wait for me!
