Friday, August 28, 2009

Seoul Pictures 2

Service is good. They have different grilling plates for different meat. Beef uses the 'wire mesh'.
We ordered enough to fill 4. Ate for 2 hours. God... how can I slim down ?!

Fresh pork bought from the market and the restaurant charge 3000KRW/pax for the bbq and pan chan.

Beef at 18,000KRW. The bbq uses charcoal. I can have it my own medium rare way! =D

Xiao Pang! Yeuido has all the broadcasting company. Din have the chance to walk to KBS coz it was raining! Otherwise, haha I will apply for the chit chat show & ask them got any part time job. MBC is for ahjummas and ahjussi so din bother to go in. LOL. If can work there during weekends so fun!! KBS! Imagine meeting lee dong wook & KHJ!! ^o^

Wanted to go to Hangang Park but the plan was foiled by the rain =(

Kimchi kimchi KIMCHI!! I eat this EVERYDAY for every meal. Haha no more constipation! =D

Cute little honeydews w lined carvng on their body. Quite cheap too!

Chong ryang ni si jang- Their wet market. Quite diff from Spore and it opens till late.

Peaches galore at a low price!

Mini honeydew that taste so sweet and crunchy.

Papa had ginseng chicken while mine is squid bibimbap. The ginseng chicken is not nice.

Hoam Faculty House.

Hoam Faculty House.

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