Friday, August 28, 2009


Everyone needs not just a house but a home. The feeling of staying with people I am not so fmailiar is quite strange. Esp the way I greet and behave in front of korean elders. It is so different. I must use the most formal speech when speaking to elders. haha cannot just wave and say 'GOOD MORNING!'. I must bow and 'anyonghaesaeyo'...a chim mo go yo?' haha meaning good morning, have you had your breakfast? I'll slowly get use to this I guess. It is quite interesting to learn about korean culture from my landlord. Sandra's cousin- Joyce is my translator. haha I am staying with her mother-in-law, her and her husband. Her MIL is quite a nice lady. Very healthy. She must walked 2 hrs everyday as exercise, attends health lesson and watch healthy cooking TV program and cook for us. haha the rice itself is healthy enough. She adds barley and green beans inside. =) Every meal she gave me 1 BIG bowl of rice and surprisingly I can finish the whole bowl inclusive of the various pan chan. haha coz I dun wan to spend money and buy snacks outside. =D

She will lay the table w nicely with all the food and then call me out to eat, afterwich, I just have to put everything in the basin and she'll do the washing. Initially, I helped her to wash but she refused. She has different types of cloth for different utensils, after washing must use another diff kind of cloth to wipe dry and place them back to their respective cupboard. Kitchen is the place where korean women ruled. She told me ' Time is money. So you have time, go and study and rest. Have rest den you will be healthy'. Haha so nice =)

I learnt many interesting korean culture. They have different food for different seasons, different bowls and plates for different season, they will use elaborate plates to host guests...

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