Monday, August 24, 2009

Upgrade to Business Class

'' Paging for Choi Pei yaeeee'' They have to page thrice before I finally end my conversation w san and ask the counter. Is my name that hard to articulate?

Took my passport and gave me a ticket showing 'BUSINESS CLASS'. Wahaha so happy! First time priority lane! No need to queue. 4 course meal w menu. Before that, wine or orange juice as prelude. haha! =D

Haha in case you all miss my face, abv attached is one! Haha so weird taking selca alone! But no choice. Chin gu op so!!! Those koreans look at ppl w backpack like so we r so isang. They pull those very atas branded baggage. Ah! So gay! haha Backpackers sit business class ok!
Get to know this korean guy beside me. And got help in filling out forms totally in KOREAN!
He is helpful and quite nice. Even volunteered to carry my backpack cause its like super huge and I carried 3 bags. But no Lee Min ho if you are curious. haha no plastic.

Anyhow, I came to Incheon at 350am!! The flight was alwys ahead of time. Cathay rocks! haha. But no toothbrush. After immigration and depositing the loads, I went to Euwangri beach by public bus. I do not like to take cab or local tour because the experience is different and so 'spoon-fed'. I like the feeling of being able to figure out the place myself and at the lowest cost. No short-cuts. So, alone I went to the beach at 7+am.

Argh! The beach is JUST a beach. haha so boring!! N the sun is blazing at 8am and I am famished!! When I am hungry, I am angry. Along the beaches are all live seafood restaurants and they are expensive. I couldn't go in to eat alone as the portion is big, serving MINIMUM 3 pax (40,000krw). haha so if you are alone, pls go to supermarket to buy a bread. Koreans think being alone is OUTCAST. So I got alot of stares when I walked along those stores w a camera.
Nothing much except rocks and campers and seafood restaurants. Decided to make full use of my 1000won bus fare, I cannot leave just like that. haha I decided to walk to Seonnyeo rock (Fairy rock). It is a recommended tourist attraction. ( in my view, crap). Walked for more than 30mins under the blazing sun just to see a rock?! Even if its fairy, it has become devil in my eyes. But there are little 'huts' for ppl to rest and picnic w kimchi. haha. Took my spot and relax. Not bad as it is sheltered from the sun and windy too. Facing the sea, rocks and the blue sky, its quite peaceful.
Made my way back to Incheon airport and its already 10am and I have not eaten anything cause no shops are open till 11am! GrrrR. Its so boring to wait in the airport. I decided to take a bus and venture to Airport town where there is a lotte mart. I NEED FOOD!
The whole town is like sleeping! Nothing is open. Argh Lotte mart only opens at 1030am! Wth... I waited outside the mart till they open. They even gave those waiting ice cream and carried chairs for us to sit. haha good service! The ice cream saved my life. ^o^
I head straight for the Lotte food court once they open. hohoho!
Pics in next post! I cant seem to organise them.

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