Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pictures from COEX

Last night after the movie, the air was so chilly whn walking home. I slept w/o the fan. Recently I have been listening to korean radio. haha though I dont really understand the songs, I find the melody nice esp those super melancholic ones. haha I like depressed songs! =) I began to slowly appreciate Korea and its everything. When in Rome, follow the Rome way. haha maybe its the weather~~ LoL. Weather is good, my mood is good. Now I wana stay in Korea! Wahaha. Actually Seoul is a nice place to stay if you have money. If you are penniless, you'll find it takes ALOT of determination not to buy those really cute notebooks, nice shirts and dress, and not forgetting FOOD!! Haha imagine the mental torture! LoL. Nowdays whenever I have the urge to purchase, I will ask myself 'DO I REALLY NEED THIS?'. haha this qns really works for me. Lol. Joyce told me that in Korea, they have a saying, they rather die penniless than being not pretty (translate to chinese). They will use instalments to purchase branded goods etc. So you will see almost everyone even teenager carries LV, GUCCI, Prada- on instalment wahaha.

Another thing I know is that Korean man will pass ALL their earning to their wife. o.O
Wa...I can imagine the money conversion in my case: MONEY -> CLOTHES
They have a joke (can be true) saying that ' korean women must wake up earlier than their husband and sleep later than them'. Reason being: Wake up early to put makeup and sleep later so that their husband will not see their sans makeup face. haha =D

The more I learn about the Korean culture, the more interesting it gets. Haha I shall upate more if I hear of any absurb ones =) Below are the pics from yesterday.

Autumn- Ga-eul
Spring- Bom
Hae Un Dae yong hwa ticket. Korean movies are meaningful and well-made just that they don't have Eng subtitles... such a pity.
Me & Joyce infront of COEX. This is the time I feel cold once we stepped outta mall. Ga-eul is here! =D

MEGABOX, one of their many cines.

Our dinner total ard 12,000. Dunkin taste better in Korea. The overly exaggerated LMH advert on the LCD TV in store alwys make me laugh.

COEX mall has alot of cute stationary stores. The above are red packets use for wedding. Nice!

My first brekky during homestay. The meal is alwys healthy. haha the rice contains additional beans, barley etc. I like the pumpkin fried egg! =D


  1. Just want to tell you i know how to put up comment. HAHAHAHAH you seem to enjoy your life!

  2. when u click pic upload... there will be a pop up box right then u choose ur pic right... before you click upload.. look for the picture size... click LARGE image.. ur image are very small.. :)

  3. joyce mil cook rice same as my MIL one... alot grains inside.. :D hao chi hor.... :D arghhhh i will buy toto every week if i win i wil bring sanza n me to visit u !!!

  4. Image v small meh? haha can c la. Yes I like the rice lei. Alwys I eat liao 30mins surely I go loo and da bian. haha dam healthy. I like!
