Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pictures from Dongaemun with Nat

I'm on the 12th storey =) Pardon for the blurry image. The koreans though boorish have a systmatic way of saving the environment. Everyone will separate their waste into 3 bags- Paper, plastic and I forgot what. den they'll bring it down to the apt and throw them into their respective bins. So, in my apt we have like 2-3 bins for diff waste. o.O
I've to climb slope everyday. The apt is on a hill so very windy during autumn. hee... My apt is the 1st block.

Many different types of kimchi and jang. Xiao Pang you want any? I can ask Jerry bring for you when he goes back. haha so scary to meet him agn!!

Wet market that opens till 9+pm.

On my way back to my aptm.

After dinner, a walk along Cheongyecheon stream is good exercise. Ahjumas performing music and dance. Their elders are really active.

The whole stretch of street side hawkers. Sometimes, they really freak us out by their fierce touting.

Tteokpokki, Odeng, Stir fried pork. =)

Nat with the super yucky soju. It taste like medicine. We drank only 1 smal cup and gave up.

Pojangmacha. At dusk, Dongaemun has lotsa street side stores to choose from.

So many leggings, socks, hosiery to choose from! Xiao Pang! You wana step on Bae Yong Joon? Buy a pair of socks. =D

This is so nice! I like the top and the hat. If I have the money, I'll surely buy it!! =D

Shopaholics Heaven! I'm a poor soul in Heaven =( Requested by my PRC friend who said she can also write in Korean. Haha you better make sure you write correctly!! Just follow the EXACT same thing. haha don't action and add anything yourself. =D


  1. NOT PRC!!! I GG TO TAKE UP BRITISH COUNCIL!! AND WHEN YOU ARE BACK I WILL SLANGGGG ALL THE WAY TO YOU! hahahh you seems to enjoy your life liao huh! hahahah and the top skirt and hat so MATCHING. how much are them? hahahahha

  2. HAHAHA i never go c how much. Why you want ar? I think you wear liao look like go harvest rice at paddy field lei. WAHAHAHA JK LA! Actually all their clothes v nice, but I dont dare take pics. They will scold. haha. You want? Den I try to search for similar ones. Korea is a shopping heaven!! woo hoo!

  3. HAHAHA i think you should really make a CHATBOX. not somethign like this, where i have to go back to the RESPECTIVE blog of the day to check your COMMENT. CHATBOX C.H.A.T.B.O.X not like that one. HAHHAHAHAHHA.
