Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Day In Dongdaemun...

and I never bought any apparels except Skinfood oil makeup remover! Can you imagine it? Haha. Actually this season the clothings not really nice except for those in Doota which are really expensive- SGD60-70. Its a good thing for me! =D

I met up with my Thai cyber fren who is also entering SNU this fall for her graduate international studies. We had a fun time walking ard those stores and eating pochangmacha and drinking the super yucky soju! She opens her own spree selling fans products. Can you imagine wearing socks imprinted with Lee Min Ho face or Kim Bum's? Surprisngly she told me, these products sell really well even to countries in the UK, US.

Every morning I ate ALOT. haha the meal is so healthy that after I ate, I will go to the loo within 30mins. There is alwys the usual pan chan, a bowl of hot soup (depending on the weather) and rice with either barley or beans. Sporeans might find it hard to accept, haha but I like it. Lunch was kinda special. I did not take a pic though. She blended milk and toufu and this mixture was added to the noodles and eaten cold. Haha surprisingly, it has a refreshing taste. Nice! Afterwich, she told me to try ja jang myeon. So for lunch, I ate 2 bowls of noodles and some pan chans. haha OMG... I din noe I can eat so much. haha I must be really usual.

I did some journal only read HALF of the one journal paper b4 I decided I shall go out. haha so boring! I must max my enjoyment b4 term starts and I'll be in 'jail'. Dinner was in Dongdaemun with Nat. We ordered tteokpoki, stir-fried pork and soju. Odeng was serviced. Though this is the 1st time we met, but we had stuffs to talk about and she is not those isang type. haha so it was quite fun. Her faculty is way better than mine! All students in GSIS know English and they are so rich. One of her classmate stay in Cheongdam-dong and hangs out in Apkujeong!! Haha we stay in Shilim and hang out in Dongdaemun. World apart. lol.

Joyce told me that korean girls work so hard to get into Seoul National, Yonsei or Korea Uni with the hope of marrying a guy from these unis. Why? Common sense. Guys in these top-notch unis will become high fliers in future. Alot of TON & they can speak Eng. Haha no wonder the girls dress to the nines when though its just to sch. Koreans seem to think the ppl who can speak English are superior. Very weird mentality. Come on...French and German eng CMI! They still treat them as god thinking that theirs is the AMERICAN accent. ^___^'''

ok! I shall post some pics of my trip yesterday and my neighbourhood. Geuldari yo!

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