Monday, August 24, 2009

Pictures In Incheon

The 'hut'-to write my diary and enjoy the breeze. Fatty! Spot the bag? hehe...
The beach is nice and clean.

I just have to take a pic after all that walking! Haha thanks to the ajumma!

After more than 30mins of walking in the blazing sun- Fairy rock. Which part of it looks like a fairy?! No wonder the locals asked me ' What is your own imagination for a KOREAN FAIRY?' Guess maybe some plastic might just do the job =D

The rows of seafood stores that dont serve ONE??!! Even stores outcast those alone.

My shadow is my only companion =) Who says you can't take pictures alone? =D

Locals escape summer heat by coming to the beach. You can still see high heels here!

Resting Pavilion.

Eulwangri Beach entrance.

Hwa Jang Sil- Toilet. Quite cute isnt it? And its kinda clean too =)

En route to Eurwangni Beach.

Early morning Incheon Internation Airport.

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