Friday, August 28, 2009

My Nest

Xiao pang! I put your notebook to use! Haha ajumma say you ippo and jinxy cute op da!

No wardrobe so I hang my clothes. Improvise ways to save money. Luckily I bought a dozen hangers w me =D

The living hall and balcony.

The view from my 12th floor apt. The sml sq grid is the wire mesh to prevent flies. See the mountain? Tts where SNU is located. Gwanak-san. I'm going to conquer it this Sunday.

My bed. See the pillow! I 'took' it from New Boolim hotel =D

My working desk.

MY ADDRESS: Gwanak-gu, Bong Cheon 6-dong, 1706 Woo Seong Apt 101-1207.
Oppa!!! Oneeeeeeeee!!! Cash, cheques and credit cards are most welcome! =D


  1. =________________=!! now everyone knw i call chuicai liao!!! shit

    u miss anything from sg?? hehe need us to post?? like bak guk teh herbal pack? kaya? mac garlic chilli?

  2. haha realli?! WAHAHA so small they still can see? Eh... ur fren should not noe my blog wad.. chai chai is a nice name or cc la. haha NO! I dun miss the food in SG surprisingy. I prefer the food here. No oil, lotsa veges. U noe every morning I visit the loo and after meal also go loo. haha i so happy! =D
