haha rem our favourite line whenever we see each other? Even I'm at home, you will say that to me. I miss it...you can scream that to me when you're here in Dec! haha =D
I'm so glad you like the cardi!!! Haha so yeppo right? I saw it I immediately think of you. Feminine. haa =D
Hm... do you know your notebook gift to me gives me encouragement whenever I'm down? Though simple and full of your usual crappy stuff like saying I'm Mc Dull twin and paste MOST of your pictures whn the gift is for me! haha^^ But your words to me are very true and I'm glad I have such a mature sister like you =)
Sometimes I feel like you're the eldest. haha OK. I tend to LET you be the eldest coz you have a cry baby as an elder sis right? haha =D
''Unni!! Come back for dinner tonight. I cook nice food!!!'' A simple sms, a simple sentence but full of warmth. If I'm not bck for dinner, I will find nicely packed lunch box in the fridge for my following day lunch...
Those nights we gather in my room to discuss our problems, chat and crap around... The night you slept in my room in a sleeping bag (well..tts really hilarious)
Dear sister, I know you are mentally strong but sometimes things can get too stressful...Don't bottle up, you can share with me... Its unfair to you to bear everything by yourself =) Don't keep things from me because I'm in korea and you don't want to cause me worries. Your sister is not Mc Dull ok! what have we not been through right?
I must apologise for missing the past few days that you have to search for your unni through msn and fb... haha ppl must be thinking your sister likes to play hide-and-seek ^_^
Will we still be as close and as crappy when we grow up & lead separate lives?
Will we still be able to gather on a single bed and chat till dawn?
I don't know whats the future like but I want you as my sister again and again and again (haha sounds familiar?) Alright I'll let you be the eldest =)
I love you sister...and I miss you....
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