Bap, glass noodles stir-fried w beef, deer meat that taste like hide, soup, various pan chans and ddeok. Ddeok freaks me out now. I have been eating ddeok continuously since Chu Seok. I AM still eating right now while typing this post >.<
In Korea, when they offer you food, just EAT it. Even though it is not to your liking, say ' Jal mor go si mi da' (I've eaten well) and SMILE. Because koreans are very proud of their culture, it is wiser not to criticise their food. It is rude. AND!! Because the bangla did that during many of our lunch outings, the seniors outcast the foreigners!!
Do not ever compare your country's food to theirs and say ''Oh! I still prefer my own country's food. Korean food are so spicy and not fried, but my country food has many spices and fried and ......'' To add on to the fire, you ask the senior ''You should try my food.''
D-U-H. How stupid can you be?! If so, then friggin go back.
Now, they no longer eat lunch w us (foreigners). They will discuss in another room and tell us to eat w the bangla as they are going 'outside' to eat. I'm not pissed off instead, me and my china fren spend the best lunch ever since we came to SNU. haha we ate for 2 hr! We went for alfresco dining as the air is so cooling and after lunch, we went for dessert. AND! I finally taste what I am eating.
Usually my lunch is a battle with time. 30mins inclusive of travelling, procurement of meal vouchers and eating. Can you imagine how I felt? I used to eat lunch for 1hr+. Ok but the point is, I don't want to eat lunch w the bangla in future once my China fren goes back! It will be hell!
These childish politics are annoying. The collective society, the outcast system and the superficiality (my own vocab).
I don't understand why must they be so sneaky as to discuss behind our back. I'd rather be frank. Makes me feel like I'm in high school and not a graduate.
I enjoy reading Sweet Valley High. duh. >.<
so enjoying life! hahaha korean pple seems not very friendly! ming ming our food taste the best! and they should really try!
ReplyDeletehaha they are just in their wonderful DAE JANG GEUM box. So boxed up. Anw, I dont really care. Its their loss for knowing less abt the world outside. haha enjoy life if there is no school and tour. I hate school u noe. So blardy boring. Everyday sit in the stupid lab frm 9-6pm den go hm. I also cant go lib coz ltr seniors will ask where I disappear to. haha